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Little Fingers Music
Keyboard Classes
We offer in home private lessons!
In addition to group keyboard classes, our teachers take on private lesson students throughout the year. With our team of teachers, we can curate a schedule that works best with you!
Our private lessons begin where our keyboard classes leave off.
We focus on note recognition, rhythm, fingering and beat keeping which often includes counting and playing.
The course blends the LFM method with the RCM method (Charlie studied formally at the Royal Conservatory of Music)
and students can chose their own pieces once they’ve mastered the basics. Songs are downloaded from
and popular songs come in a variety of arrangements and keys that suit all levels of learning.
Classes are $40 for 30 minutes (with a one time admin fee of $35) and the teachers come right to your house. Families are allowed one paid trial lesson to make sure the fit is right.
Households supply their own keyboards (its necessary to have a keyboard in your house for practise in between lessons)
Teachers teach under Charlie’s guidance but each teacher will have their own personal style and method of teaching.
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