Little Fingers Music
Keyboard Classes
Who We've Worked With...
Here's a brief selection of some of the schools we have taught our keyboard classes in.
Cedarvale Com. School
JR Wilcox Com. School
Palmerston PS
Huron PS
St Alphonsus Catholic School
Ogden Com. School
Allenby Com. School
Brown Com. School
Armour Heights Com School
Forest Hill Com School
Ledbury Park Com School
Bialik Jewish School
Heschel Com School
Humewood Com School
Holy Blossom Catholic School
AHS Com. School
The Clover Com. School
Davisville Com. School
Robins Hebrew Academy
The York school Com School
Maurice Cody Com School
Denlow Com School
John Ross Robertson PS Com School
Clinton PS Com School
Bessborough Com School
Here's a brief selection of some of the places & people we have jammed with recently.
Recent Shows (2014)
Sudbury SummerFest
Oakville Jazz Festival
North Bay PL
Hamilton Fringe Festival
Toronto Fringe Festival
Camp Katonim
Goderich Children's Festival
Bathurst Clark Resource Library
Woodbridge Library
Maple Library
Ansley Grove Library
Cedarbrae Mall
Hidden Valley Ski Resort
Upcoming Shows
St. Gregory
KidzFest: Yonge Street's Winter Magic at Dundas Square (booked kindly through Sphere Entertainment)
Solar Stage (2015)
Sheppard P.S. (2015)
Recent Workshops (2014)
Haliburton School of the Arts
Toronto Fringe Festival
Groove School
Cedarvale PS
Bruce PS
Oriole Park PS
Toronto Heschel School
Ranley Rascals
Unicorn Daycare
Longest Yard Restaurant (sidewalk party)
Network Daycares
Upcoming Workshops
St. Gregory
Topcliff P.S.